
Defunct Committees

Bayshore Beach Club - Budget Committee

No mission statement

Duties & Responsibilities

  1. Prepares the fiscal year budget for board approval, analyzing present and forecasting future capital improvements and operational costs.
  2. Reviews monthly financial reports and helps guide the board through the implementation of and compliance with the adopted budget.
  3. Provides accounting training and backup for the secretary-treasurer.
  4. Works closely with the secretary-treasurer, accountant, and facilities manager to see that the budget is adhered to, and provides assistance in purchasing and inspection of contract work.
  5. Solicits proposals for tax preparation services, and serves as liaison between the board and the engaged auditor, to be implemented if the Board of Directors orders a review.
  6. Works closely with the board to ensure financial integrity.
  7. Timeline for Annual Budget Preparation
    • February: Committee requests to the Board of Directors
    • March: Board of Directors requests to the Budget Committee
    • April: Budget Committee sends draft to the Board of Directors
    • May: Draft of budget to Annual Membership Meeting
    • June: Board of Directors final approval

Committee Members

Carolyn Gardner - Board Liaison
Mary Lou Morris - Chair
Bill Uhlman
Lynda Claro
Kathi O'Leary, Accountant - ex-officio member